Customized flexible heating jackets drums for hazardous zones

Hazardous area heating jackets for 25, 50 and 100 liters gas deposits.


  • Single phase up to 240V, 50/60Hz ac
  • Class II Appliance, Ingress Protection IP54
  • Hazardous Area Certification
  • Standards: EN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-7:2007, EN60079-31:2009
  • EX II 2 G D Ex e IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T135 C Db Zone 1 and 2

These ATEX Zone 1 and 2 rated heating jackets are suitable for gentle warming or to prevent from freezing in winter.

They are constructed with silicone coated glass cloth outer and high density fiberglass insulation. Safe operation conditions are maintained even in the presence of potentially explosive gases. Safe operating conditions are also given in explosive gas atmospheres. Transformers are not required as they are using a standard 240V AC supply.

These flexible heating jackets are designed and adjustable to fit 25L, 50L and 100L deposits. They are also available in other sizes as well as for containers.

A self-limiting temperature of around 40°C above the ambient  temperature will be maintained on the drum wall when operated at 240V (with a 20ºC ambient temperature, the drum wall  temperature will be around 60ºC). If lower temperatures are required, the heating jacket may be fitted with a thermostat (0-50ºC), allowing the user to reduce the heating jacket temperature. The thermostat must be adjusted whilst the jacket is situated within a safe area.

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