Resistencias Tope, S.A.

More than 70 years manufacturing heaters.

Skid Heater

Molten salt heating modules.


Type LT immersion for tanks

Skid Heater

Custom made manufacturing

Drum heaters

Flexible band heaters

Immersion heaters

Custom made manufacturing


Custom manufacturing

Industrial Electric Process Heaters

Hot water boiler for hotel

Manufacturer of electric heating elements

Resistencias Tope, S.A. with more than 70 years of experience designing and manufacturing customized industrial electric heaters, offers the most suitable heating solution for your application. Whether it is to heat water, oil, corrosive liquids, air, gas or if what you need is a heating process in a hazardous area.


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Certifications and Associations

ISO 9001

The quality system of RESISTENCIAS TOPE, S.A has ISO 9001:20015 certification. The heating elements are manufactured according to standard EN-UNE 60335 (chapters 10, 13 and 16). .. [+] view more